Saturday, Rodney turned 23. Poor thing had to work. So sad, but I did make him steak for supper, so I think that made up for it. I got him the movie Serenity and Follow that Bird. No, that's not a typo. I did get him a Sesame Street movie. He's told me in the past how much he loved that movie when he was younger, how he knew every word of it, and how he wished he could find his VHS it was recorded on so he could watch it again. Well, when I was at Wal-Mart picking up some rechargable batteries for our Wii remotes (for his party the previous Saturday), I just happened to see it sitting on one of the shelves. I snatched it up excited about my purchase. On the way home, I was a little worried he wouldn't like it, but when I gave it to him he was SO excited. His mom also brought him a german chocolate cake (which I almost accidentally dumped in the sink with dirty dishes. hehe that would have been a disaster),
Robinhood: Men in Tights, and a t-shirt. I think his friend, Brandon, orded him a shirt online, so that's another gift. So, overall he had a pretty great birthday.
Here's more pictures of our niece and nephew!