Friday, October 10, 2008

I hate missing school.

Seriously. I absolutely hate it. And now i'm going to be out for 2 or 3 weeks! Here's the story:

I woke up Monday morning about 2 a.m. and was hurting SO bad in my upper abdomen thru to my back. I also started vomiting. Well, I was hoping the pain would get better, but it didn't. Rodney ended up taking me to the emergency room. We found out I have gallstones. So, they gave me some pain medicine and a surgeon to call. My appointment with the surgeon wasn't going to be until October 27th! YIKES! I can't even go to school because it hurts to walk around. There was no way I could wait until the 27th! So, I suffered thru Tuesday, still in pain even with the medicine. Wednsday morining I went back to the ER because the medicine just wasn't enough. After sitting there again for hours, the doctor came in and told me they couldn't do anything and sent me home. They said because I wasn't and "emergency" (read: not about to die) there was nothing they could do, but he did give me the name of another surgeon and he had an opening on the 14th (yay!). So now I spend my days sitting here in the recliner waiting for the day they can remove my gallbladder and i'm not in so much pain.